Show Me a Democracy

Show me a democracy, where a tiny cabal controls the money supply from the topdown (since the federal reserve act of 1913), and I will show you a democracy in serious trouble (Jefferson, Lincoln, Lindbergh, Louis McFadden, Milton Friedman, Ron Paul, etc).

Show me a democracy, where a quarter to half the billionaires come from an ethnic 3% of the population, with comparable intelligence test scores, and I will show you a democracy, in serious trouble. (Benjamin Ginsberg, The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State, Univ of Chicago Press, 1993, p. 1-2).  Jewish Telegraph Agency puts it at 20 or more of the 50 wealthiest.

Show me a democracy, where the same cabal controls the major news and entertainment media, and I will show you a democracy, in serious trouble. (, 9/11, best document, to dramatize the blackout).

Show me a democracy, where such a cabal holds de facto veto over foreign policy, and I will show you a democracy, in serious trouble (The Lobby).

Show me a democracy, where yet the same cabal corrupts the judiciary to plunder or punish, and I will show you a democracy in serious trouble (“It’s like the guy who robbed the banks…”)

Show me a democracy, where all five factors are present, and I will show you…the United States of America.

Half the partners in the big Washington, DC law firms are jewish, from a small percent of the population (The Lobby.) Hank Pellisier puts it at 40% in both DC and NY, in Why is the IQ of Ashenazi Jews So High? July 19, 2011. Surveys of the NY City Bar Assoc have found it as high as 65%. Krefetz, Gerald, Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality, NY, Ticknor and Fields, 1982, p. 185. Compare to 1925 Berlin, where 1% of the population provided about half the doctors and lawyers, even though gentile and jewish IQ’s average about the same.

(Various studies point to a net difference of 0-2%, even in verbal. There might be a 7% or so advantage in vocabulary among Ashkenazi jews, but with scores average or slightly below in spatial and short term verbal memory. Talk: IQ Test Controversy, Wikipedia. Vocabulary is sometimes referred to as crystalized verbal, which would appear heavily dependent on environment [the crystalizing process]. As suggested by evolutionary psychologist Steve Pinker, “[t]he most obvious test of a genetic cause of the Ashkenazi advantage would be a cross-adoption study that measured the adult IQ of children with Ashkenazi biological parents and gentile adoptive parents, and vice versa”, but noted, “No such study exists, so [Cochran]’s evidence is circumstantial.” Wikipedia, Ashkenazi Jewish Intelligence.)

In his retirement interview, Sen Hollings’ stressed that even U.S. Senators have been reduced to full time fund raisers. To get re-elected in South Carolina, he had to spend his time in LA or New York, raising money from the ruling cabal–to pay the same ruling cabal, for major media access. Moyers’ Journal Jul 25, 08. Is this a version of fields and counting houses?

In one of his more polemical statements, Norman Finkelstein, PhD Princeton, said in Beyond Chutzpah,

“Jewish elites in the United States have enjoyed enormous prosperity. From this combination of economic and political power has sprung, unsurprisingly, a mindset of Jewish superiority. ….And, from this lethal brew of formidable power, chauvinistic arrogance, feigned (or imagined) victimhood, and Holocaust-immunity to criticism, has sprung a terrifying recklessness and ruthlessness …”

Noam Chomsky, a political commentator, philosopher and linguist at MIT, has received honorary degrees from over 39 colleges, including 3 ivys , the U of Chicago, Amherst and Swarthmore. In 1986, in the cold war context, he said “One of the truths about the world is that there are two superpowers, one a huge power which happens to have its boot on your neck; another, a smaller power which happens to have its boot on other people’s necks.”

Who controls that boot in the west, and does it also come down on the neck of Americans, who criticize jewish religion or behavior? See disciplinary abuse under The Courts, and The Great Sedition Trial of 1944, under Historical Notes, sec F, on this site.

(The smart money in any ethnic group wants a strong, but not dominant position, so maybe that should be the touchstonediffusing supremacist and exploitive components of jewish ideology and history, and apparent defacto control of America, while maintaining a healthy jewish community.)

Can a thoughtful gentile equivalent of ADL—with its 30 offices and $60 million annual budget—serve as a wholesome counterbalance?

Are there parallel problems to address in bailouts, securities frauds, consumer credit tactics, or other sectors, which we can address in the future on this site?